Mastering your company’s internal communication is incredibly important as it leads to optimum employee engagement, motivation, and productivity. However, internal communication does come with its own challenges, and done incorrectly can damage company reputation. Below are our tips for mastering internal communications to put your company into peak performance.
Implement an Internal Social Communication Channel
Although many internal networking applications exist, a great option that UPRAISE uses is Slack. There’s a reason why the app is used by many companies across all industries. With a mobile friendly app and desktop notifications, Slack does an amazing job of keeping everyone in the loop and on the same page. Featuring customizable communication channels between everyone on your team, the exact person (or persons) is only a message away. The convenience factor of instant messaging applications creates a smoother work environment and allows everyone to be kept on the same page – with minimal effort.
Team Building Facilitates Collaborative Work Environments
The three major takeaways your employees should glean from team building activities are productivity, motivation and collaboration. It pays to have fun as it turns out, according to this 2018 report, “a five point increase in employee engagement is linked to a three point increase in revenue growth in the subsequent year.” Companies that take the time to plan out events and retreats, not centered around day-to-day business activities, are showing employees that they’re appreciated and valued. For large companies, this serves as a great way for employees in other departments to familiarize themselves with people they aren’t in direct communication with on a regular basis. Hosting activities that your employees find entertaining and enjoyable as a group helps build stronger personal and professional relationships.
Promote Trust and Transparency at Every Level
Employees are well aware that businesses have ups and downs, but not knowing how upper management will respond/care about every individual’s well-being is more rattling than any bad business cycle. Troubling times are when internal communication is needed most; the way your company reacts sets the precedent employees can expect for similar instances in the future. If your company values retaining employees, being clear, open and specific about who is affected, especially for topics like acquisitions, mergers, and layoffs is incredibly crucial. Maximum transparency is the best route to take to ensure your employees have a sense of trust and understanding when it comes to the company’s ethics.
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Internal communications looks different for every company, but the goal of any and all internal communication activities should be to keep employees well connected and informed. Internal communications, when done well, helps reinforce trust in the company brand, builds employee engagement and boosts productivity.